Package org.kissweb.database

package org.kissweb.database
This package provides a convenient means of accessing SQL tables.
  • Class
    Author: Blake McBride Date: 4/29/22
    Author: Blake McBride Date: 4/29/22
    Author: Blake McBride Date: 4/29/22
    Author: Blake McBride Date: 4/29/22
    In Java, there is no real way to detect the difference between the empty array lists ArrayList<Integer> and ArrayList<String>.
    This class represents a single statement or command against a database.
    This class represents a connection to an SQL database.
    Instances of this class represent a row into a result set.
    Instances of this class represent a single row in a table or a row in a result set.
    User: Blake McBride Date: 9/30/16