Package org.kissweb
package org.kissweb
This package provides most of the general-purpose application usable API.
ClassDescriptionUtility methods to help deal with arrays.Utility methods to deal with Base64.Command Line IO.Class that demonstrates the use of the CL class.System to auto-run Groovy files on a defined period as Unix cron does.This class provides the ability to encrypt/decrypt strings and byte arrays with very strong (AES) encryption.Class dealing with dates with times.This class deals with dates in several formats including int, Date, Calendar, and LocalDate.Read and parse a CSV file.Class dealing with the creation of standard comma delimited or CSV files.Utilities to deal with files on the back-end.This class is used to signify an error that is sent to the front-end but does not produce a back-end log.Transfer files to or from a remote FTP server.Class to interface with the groff typesetting system.Miscellaneous Groovy utilitiesClass to deal with ini files.This class provides a variety of features on top of the functionality provided by org.json.This class replaces occurrences of ${NAME} with values obtained from a supplied map.This class is used to signify an error that deserves a log but not a backtrace.This class is only used for command-line execution of Kiss.Advanced method for formatting numbers.Author: Blake McBride Date: 10/24/20This class creates PDF files with text, images, and line graphics.Provides the ability to act as a client to an external REST server.This class provides the base functionality for creating non-Kiss REST servers.This class contains many methods used to manipulate
s.TimeUtils class.A class used to process URL escape sequences.Utility methods for dealing with XML.