Package org.kissweb

package org.kissweb
This package provides most of the general-purpose application usable API.
  • Class
    Utility methods to help deal with arrays.
    Utility methods to deal with Base64.
    Command Line IO.
    Class that demonstrates the use of the CL class.
    System to auto-run Groovy files on a defined period as Unix cron does.
    This class provides the ability to encrypt/decrypt strings and byte arrays with very strong (AES) encryption.
    Class dealing with dates with times.
    This class deals with dates in several formats including int, Date, Calendar, and LocalDate.
    Read and parse a CSV file.
    Class dealing with the creation of standard comma delimited or CSV files.
    Utilities to deal with files on the back-end.
    This class is used to signify an error that is sent to the front-end but does not produce a back-end log.
    Transfer files to or from a remote FTP server.
    Class to interface with the groff typesetting system.
    Miscellaneous Groovy utilities
    Class to deal with ini files.
    This class provides a variety of features on top of the functionality provided by org.json.
    This class replaces occurrences of ${NAME} with values obtained from a supplied map.
    This class is used to signify an error that deserves a log but not a backtrace.
    This class is only used for command-line execution of Kiss.
    Advanced method for formatting numbers.
    Author: Blake McBride Date: 10/24/20
    This class creates PDF files with text, images, and line graphics.
    Provides the ability to act as a client to an external REST server.
    This class provides the base functionality for creating non-Kiss REST servers.
    This class contains many methods used to manipulate Strings.
    TimeUtils class.
    A class used to process URL escape sequences.
    Utility methods for dealing with XML.